A New Category

Thanks to everyone who has visited in the past several days. I’m beginning to get the hang of this and have decided to add a new category entitled Inspirations.  As a place to find both my thoughts and those that inspire my own art, I will make every effort to use public domain material and to give credit to the authors of poetry and quotations.

Literature, music and art flourish today because our forefathers believed strongly in the creative process and as such gave it protection in the Constitution with the following:  To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

Words which are my own will be credited with a simple date and SRW and I ask that you respect those as much as you would the words of any published author or poet by not reproducing them without permission.

New studio tips

Artists, and especially those involved in the calligraphic arts, are by nature a sharing group.  Many of us can be found on message boards such as Cyberscribes, IAMPETH and Ornamental Penmanship.  They are great places to meet other artists and we often share tips and techniques. When I respond to a post, I have sometimes received requests to share my answers in guild newsletters as well.  So I thought I might add a category here where I can share some of those little tidbits of knowledge that I’ve picked up over the past thirty years; occasionally from other artists, some from workshops and a great many from that old word “experience”.

Here’s one for today: When I stock up on ink that I use often, such as Dr. Ph. Martyn’s Bleedproof White, I label the top of the container with the date purchased. I use a waterproof marker (white works on the black lids). This way I always open the oldest stock first to avoid finding a dried out container of ink or paint.

Wine and Art

I’m a saver, some might even say hoarder, so there are often random bits of paper or unfinished canvases roaming about my studio. Sometimes it’s a canvas that just isn’t working and it can be tempting to toss it out or paint over. Several were just lying around last fall when I needed a piece for an upcoming exhibition.  Staring at this one, I started to randomly associate words with the visual.  Words such as trees, paths and roads ultimately led to the Frost text used here and, like wine aging in a cask, partially worked canvas became art.


iPhone Doodling

It’s going to take me a few days to really get the hang of this blogging thing. Meanwhile, if you have an iPhone there are several apps that allow for mindful (I was going to say mindless) doodling. It’s relaxing and great fun. The best part is being able to save one’s ramblings for the idea files.

Calligraphy, Lettering Arts and Music Engraving

I’m Sandy Wagner, an Indianapolis-based artist and music engraver.  Although I have been a professional calligrapher for more than 30 years, my artistic works now also extend to painting, collage and
the lettering arts. Additionally, I work as a professional music engraver.

Whether you’re planning an event that needs that perfect invitation, in search of inspirational calligraphic art, or looking for that perfect wall hanging, I would be delighted to work with you.

This blog will feature my work, my inspirations and links to current news and events fellow artists and musician might find helpful.

Thanks for visiting; I hope you’ll stop by often!